Dad, I loved your letter(in Spanish)! I would attempt to type back in Spanish but that would take way long and I don't have that much time! But I didn't quite catch all you were saying about the soccer game and I don't have a dictionary present, but I am glad at least connelly played well. I wish I could play softball with you soooo bad! Oh that would be so much fun! one day. Yep life here is good I have finally gotten a better handle on my sleep. this week was hard because we had to wake up at 5:30 for training one day and 5:45 for service the next so yeah I was a zombie but i feel good now. So pretty much I am shocked at my positive attitude, like I am not worried about the fact that we didn't have one lesson with an investigator this week or that the missionaries who came here with me use there Spanish way more than me, because i know everything will work out. I know that the Lord has placed me here for a reason:) I am so glad that you are doing good there! My companions and I agreed to run everyday this week because one of my companions can't fit in her jeans anymore and she is pretty upset about that. But we dont' walk that much because we have a car and our area is over two stakes so we spend a ton of time driving! yeah it is alright though. whoa i am gonna send this and see if you are online
Love you!
Hermana Quick
(Mom might have to add the email she sent to her as she took off early from the computer and I didn't get a chance to hear too many details this week. It does sound like she's doing well though and waiting patiently for her visa to arrive so she can finally head to Argentina. She did say she'd write a letter and drop it in the mail, so stay tuned!)
Thanks for the update. Surely hope--and pray--she'll be able to get to Argentina soon so she doesn't lose her Spanish and etc. What a special girl, though.